German meal fund raiser at Midland Sailing Club

On the evening of Wednesday 14th, German expats Mel and Oliver prepared a few typical German dishes, mainly based around pork products. We started off with a dip based on camembert, to be eaten with Laugenbrötchen and -brezeln, a typical Southern German speciality. As main courses there were the popular Frikadellen (meat patties), Currywurst, and Bockwurst, with sides of Fritten/Pommes (fries) and a home-made Kartoffelsalat (potato salad). To wash this down the bar manager had made good on his promise to procure some fine German beers.

To allow the food a chance to go down a bit before desert (waffles with jam) we then had some fun intellectual stimulation in the form of a quiz on German politics, history, and culture, including a picture round.  To compensate for the question on how many times Germany had won the football World Cup Final there was then an opportunity to select the two German teams Aston Villa knocked out of the European Cup in the 1981/82 season.

The winning team crossed the finish line with 19 out of 27 possible points, even though they identified the former Edgbaston MP Gisela Stuart as “Bill Gates’ mum”. A bag of Haribo was their well-deserved reward.Overall a great evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all!